, pub-1695019095451303, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Heart & Thrift: Pancakes and Motivation

Pancakes and Motivation

I will get out of bed for pancakes ! Snooze AM Eatery.... Goodness me.... I got shy about taking a picture of my food. You might not be able to tell but that on the left is a "strawberry fields" which is a sweet corn pancake with strawberries, marscapone whip cream and candied almonds. The one on the right is a "blueberry danish pancake", which is a blueberry pancake with lemon cream cheese filling, blueberry coulis, and almond streusel. The one in the middle is just plain.  The pancakes there are just beyond perfect, and next time I might even add a pineapple upside down cake. 

What do you do to help you get motivated for a day of fulfilling work (crafting?) ?