, pub-1695019095451303, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Heart & Thrift: Jeff Who Lives at Home

Jeff Who Lives at Home

I was a bit apprehensive about this movie.  For some reason despite loving The Rocky Horror Picture Show with every fiber of my being, I am not a fan of Susan Sarandon.  I can't explain why but I avoid her.  Maybe it's so I don't taint her image as Janet Weiss.  I stray. 

It took a wonderful friend whose opinion I trust implicitly to get me to walk 1/2 a block to the Red Box and pick this little gem up.  It's a story about a man who seems to be drifting through life looking for meaning in all the wrong places.  He's waiting for something to happen and when he gets to life's destinations there is nothing there.  This is a feel good movie about where life takes you and why.  I would recommend it for sure.  Especially true if you too try to read cracks in the wall.  Did you know you can rent movies from Amazon? I didn't.