, pub-1695019095451303, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Heart & Thrift: C'est Moi

C'est Moi

Welcome to Heart and Thrift ! My name is Sammy.. let's go with list form :) 

-I love to create things with anything I can get my hands on.
-On the constant hunt for new experiences, especially when they include new restaurants.
-I am a thrifter, and a cheapy.  Only splurge on things worth splurging on!
-I love to cook.
-I love my family with every fiber of my being.
-The definition of night owl wasn't created for me, but they might have had someone like me in mind.
-I work in recruiting
-I am a loner; my amazing fiance and family are my world.
-Definitely the most unorganized ocd person ever.
-I sleep with a stuffed animal every night, and usually wake up with scissors and crafts in the bed with me.
-More than anything I want to work from home, creating and typing 24 hours a day.

If you too like happy things, crafts, clothes, thrifting, cooking and paint I hope that you find a comfy little spot and stay awhile at Heart and Thrift


  1. Hey - nice to meet you. Loving the artwork too :)


  2. You're so pretty! Nice to meet you :)
