, pub-1695019095451303, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Heart & Thrift: Eisley Obsession

Eisley Obsession

Sherri DuPree, Chauntelle Dupree, Stacy DuPree, Weston DuPree, Garron DuPree, Jonathan Wilson... 4 siblings and a cousin create this lovely combination of magic

I don't know anyone who sounds more amazing with no editing.

This band I have to say is my all time most favorite band in the entire world. They are a family band from Tyler, Texas. If you have not heard them I seriously recommend you change that. All the girls in the band decided to have babies around the same time.... so I am hoping that a tour is on the way very soon! Their lyrics and melodies have been happily stuck in my head since 2004.  Check them out at

Sherri Dupree was actually married to Chad Gilbert of New Found Glory ... I believe this song is about him. She has since remarried Max Bemis of Say Anything.  How gorgeous are they ?