, pub-1695019095451303, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Heart & Thrift: Instagrammed


Happy Sunday !! Here is a little list of instagrammed photos from the last week.
1. happy puppy at lasagna roll up night
2. view of the sky from my condo
3. the perfect orange, I like them pulpy and dry :)
4. pin curl.  I don't dye my hair... weird natural highlight right?
5. granola fail, and proof that all I do is drink diet pepsi
6. poor little wasp bodies, better you than the kids next door
7. buffet brownie, chocolate dipped marshmallow and rice crispy treat yum!
8. best friend and I posing with the sun after kickball
9. old man puppers
10. hemp string for diy ! 

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