, pub-1695019095451303, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Heart & Thrift: Parisian Doors

Parisian Doors

It is fitting to have the doors of Paris as an ending post; yes ? I can't believe this is the last night. So many amazing things to reflect on, wondering what reality will feel like. I'll miss the food for sure. The closest thing that I have found to an authentic French baguette is actually the baguettes from panera. I think I will be frequenting the restaurant often.
Thank you for following me on my Parisian dream. Time to start the next adventure. Where have you traveled ? I am definitely up for suggestions.


  1. Oh this post is perfect! Just the inspiration I need while I'm designing 'hypothetical' French perfume packaging for a college project! I love your blog! Glad we stumbled across eachother :)
    T xo

  2. Oh !! I hope you post your perfume package when it is done! How cool is that project? Lucky! Thank you for reading! I definitely am glad we stumbled on each other too and that i can get "lost" in your blog as well!
